
Posts Tagged ‘grounded’


If you follow the link above you will see the trailer for the 1980’s movie by John Carpenter, The Fog.  Nothing scared me more when I first watched it, in fact even now it still makes me chill.
Driving through the fog the other day I realised that it is because of our imaginations that fog scares us so.  When it swirls around us, our minds put evil and monsters in it because of what we can’t see, because we are blind to the surroundings that hold us steady in the here in now. Without familiar things to remind us where, who and what we are, we lose ourselves and our fears become pronounced.
Sometimes my life feels like that, that I’m standing in a field and the fog is sinking, covering my body, dampening my senses, grounding me in my fears. Worrying about what would happen if I put my hand out, into the fog, into the unknown?
I’m so ingrained with negative feelings that are fed from so many different areas of our world, I can’t help but think the negative thoughts, have the negative feelings, letting the fog rule my life. All those fears, all those imaginings, all in my head. But I’ve chosen it. I choose to see the negative, I choose to be afraid.
But what if I stand in the fog, in my fears and ignore all the negative things that I think? What if I decide that I can put my hand into the fog and take nothing but good things from it? That my imagination now only sees the good, the positive and the love that lives in the fog. That I can put my hand out into the fog and not feel fear, not think of the negative, but take from it the good things that I want and know that the fog is really just a place of  positivity and love. Imagine that. Never again thinking that bad things are in the future that you can’t see. Just imagining the good.
I challenge you to do just that. Imagine you are standing in a field with fog all around you and putting your hand out to the fog, closing your fist around something that you want, pulling it back into your life and knowing in your gut that it is good.  Knowing in your gut that it is positive.  When you allow yourself to see the good and release the negative, then the fog will lift and love will be left.
I wish you joy, peace and a positive future of your own making.

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