
Posts Tagged ‘moments’

Mr Wolf

We all played the game when we were children called ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf’. Someone turns their back to the group and tries to catch the them out moving towards him. Trying to keep as still as possible so that Mr Wolf can’t see you moving.
Until fairly recently my life had been one big game of Mr Wolf. Trying to move without him catching me.  I’ve been frozen in a moment, stuck in quicksand, yet at the same time trying to creep forward. But always knowing Mr Wolf was watching and being too sacred to run towards him.
Now I’m running, and being bold about it, but it makes for some scary moments, that leave me breathless and sometimes terrified.
My mind is fighting against it constantly, wanting to freeze again and be safe, but my heart and soul know it’s time to run towards the guy with the teeth.
It takes a lot of contemplating to allow yourself to approach Mr Wolf and to not be afraid any more.
So I’m going to walk the Appalachian Trail. 2100 Miles. Lots of time to contemplate.  So that Mr Wolf knows I’m moving on, I’m not stuck in that moment anymore and his days of being numero uno are numbered.

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